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Ed Heil"/>

Just some guy on the internet.


Maybe instead of being on twitter I'll just sit here on this microblog and send tiny posts to absolutely no one!

Test post from the iOS client.

Testing a thing to post to Twitter

Note to self: to make firefox behave like a good citizen in wayland, and respond to touchscreen gestures, set the MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND environment variable to one. "But launching firefox from the command line is silly. How do I set it for my whole desktop environment?" Glad you asked.

`$ systemctl --user set-environment MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1`


Oh, maybe I need to link to the microblog page.

This is a pretty damn sweet photo, and I am seeing whether Mike gets an automatic notification that I'm talking about it....

Testing one more status update

Testing a status update again.

First status update on this microblog. Rock.